All posts tagged EU Data Protection Directive

Federal Court in NY Says EU Documents Containing Personal Information are Off Limits in Class Action Litigation

This post was written by Kevin Xu and John L. Hines, Jr. U.S. courts often disregard foreign data privacy laws in the context of discovery. Litigants sometimes find themselves compelled to produce under U.S. law what they are forbidden to produce under the privacy laws of another country. However, a recent U.S. court decision indicates […]


EU Article 29 Working Party Decrees Strict Opt-In Standards for Behavioral Advertising Data Collection

by Bret Cohen On June 24, the Article 29 Working Party established by the 1995 European Directive on Data Protection published an opinion declaring that online advertisers who want to target ads by tracking consumers’ surfing habits must obtain the consumers’ affirmative opt-in consent to such data collection.At the same time, the Working Party lauded certain privacy-enhancing practices incorporated into behavioral […]


Cloud Security and Privacy: A Legal Compliance and Risk-Management Guide, Part 1 and 2

In this two-part series, legal expert Robert McHale, author of Data Security and Identity Theft: New Privacy Regulations That Affect Your Business, provides a comprehensive overview of the legal security and privacy risks associated with cloud computing. Part 1 discusses the principal federal and state laws regulating cloud activities. Part 2 provides a practical due diligence […]
