All posts tagged data protection

Article 29 Working Party Opinion 8/2010 on Applicable Law, Article 4 (1) EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and Smartphone Apps

A colleague of mine, Cédric Laurant, recently posted an interesting question on a LinkedIn group that I manage, the European Data Protection Forum : “Do some iPhone and Android smartphone application makers… violate the consent requirement of the e-Privacy Directive (2009/136)?” Apple, Inc. got sued on Dec. 23 in federal court in San Jose, California. The […]


Data Retention in the EU Five Years after the Directive

The European Commission is planning a review of the Data Retention Directive of 2006, which could include a harmonization and reduction of the periods when public authorities can access citizens’ private data held by telecommunication companies for security matters. The directive allows for retention periods between 6 months and 24 months. Most member states have implementd […]


A Week’s Worth of Ediscovery, Privacy, Cloud and Social Media Tweets by @EUdiscovery

Have a social and mobile new year #mobileshopping Top 5 Privacy Violations of 2010 #wikileaks#FB #tylerclementi #karenowen #foursquare Future-proof your data archive #infogovernance#ediscovery #compliance BlackBerry says India can’t access encrypted data #privacy McDonald’s accused of violating privacy #datapotection eDiscoveryJournal Reflects on The Year 2010 Seeks Comments on Internet Privacy Report What you need to know […]


Tunisia: International Conference on the Protection of Personal Data in a World without Borders

Yesterday, an international conference on data protection of personal data took place in Tunis, as reported in this article . The theme of the conference was: Data Protection of Personal Information in a world without borders and the challenges of new technologies. Tunisian Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Mr. Lazher Bououini, reaffirmed Tunisian’s President […]


The International Association of Privacy Professionals’ First Europe Data Protection Congress

I recently attended the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ (IAPP) very first Europe Data Protection Congress in Paris on November 29 and 30. The attendee list was impressive: Privacy professionals, employed by Fortune 500 companies from a wide variety of industries, like Hewlett-Packard, Lockheed Martin, Citigroup, Oracle, Western Union, Microsoft, IBM, Dell, Google, Yahoo, Estee […]


First Tweeted Int’l Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners Conference – Jerusalem 2010

The 32nd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, held on  october 27-29 2010 in Jerusalem, Israel, was the first event of its kind to be tweeted live. Israel’s data protection authority, ILITA, enabled live streaming of the conference on its web site, so that even twitterers who could not attend the conference in […]


The Fifth Sail

“It is quite clear,” replied Don Quixote, “that you are not experienced in this matter of adventures. They are giants, and if you are afraid, go away and say your prayers, whilst I advance and engage them in fierce and unequal battle.” -DON QUIXOTE de LA MANCHA
