Ediscovery, Data Privacy and Social Media Weekly Updates

Serious Farce Office: SFO suffers biggest-ever criminal data breach http://ow.ly/2z15U Jan Philipp Albrecht ‏@JanAlbrecht19h Interview mit @20min zu #prism, #tempora, #nsafiles und #EUdataP: “Wir sind nicht machtlos!” http://www.20min.ch/ausland/news/story/29221017?redirect=mobi&nocache=0.566730553749948DataGuidance ‏@DataGuidance7h #Privacy Calendar: June-July 2013, a summary of global #dataprotection developments http://ow.ly/nLWax  | #EUDataP #compliance #DGTalk LulzSec Hacker Gets Year in Prison for Sony Attack – Annie Youderian reports: A second […]


Ediscovery, Data Privacy and Social Media Weekly Updates

Ediscovery and DataProtection Daily is out! http://paper.li/EUdiscovery/1312257398 … ▸ Top stories today via @vzbv_brussels @Engbrg @EP_LUXEMBOURG Big Boss, Not Big Brother, Spotted Long Island Family’s ‘Suspicious’ Google Searches http://ow.ly/2yPlSe  A Good Cause Metadata Nursery Rhyme – A Plaintiff sought the production of metadata of a Word document that was cr… http://ow.ly/2yPlSh   Nifty map shows need for […]


Ediscovery, Data Privacy and Social Media Weekly Updates

“Against the eavesdroppers””- The FT article on #NSA & Brussels/EU politics http://ow.ly/nm5Mp #EUDataP Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Enacts New Data Protection Rule http://ow.ly/2yFd4i   Paul Nemitz ‏@PaulNemitz25 Jul Suspension du “Safe Harbor” en Allemagne ? http://www.dermundo.com/4kyttwsm9xg  @cnil #vieprivee #nsa #fisa #eudatap #Datenschutz Caspar Bowden ‏@CasparBowden17h EU-US relations funding opportunity (hideously bureaucratic) http://www.euintheus.org/what-you-can-do/apply-for-a-grant/transatlantic-research-and-debate/how-to-apply-transatlantic-research-and-debates-2014-2015/ … #PRISM /#eudatap debates ? @granick @paulohm […]


Ediscovery, Data Privacy and Social Media Weekly Updates

Christian W Svanberg ‏@WieseSvanberg18 Jul UK MoJ:”The EC is trying to legislate for Google and Facebook, while forgetting that the impact on SMEs” #eudataP http://shar.es/ko9nq  Mathias Vermeulen ‏@legalift8h Belgium to set up DNA-database of missing persons,DNA obtained through voluntary cooperation family members #eudatap http://ow.ly/1ZFx6p  The CNIL predicts #EUDataP will not be adopted before March 2014 http://ow.ly/n8sxt  (French)  Viviane Reding ‏@VivianeRedingEU5h How […]


Ediscovery, Data Privacy and Social Media Weekly Updates

Frederik Borgesius ‏@FBorgesius18h 99 data protection laws in the world – paper by @grahamgreenleaf #eudatap http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2280877 … DataGuidance ‏@DataGuidance6h EU: #PRISM may impact free trade negotiations, says Reding http://ow.ly/mTrJP  #privacy #EUDataP Twitter agrees to hand over details of pple who post racist or anti-Semitic comments after losing French legal battle http://ow.ly/1Z6DAj  TX: Personal info of 16,000 Harris County employees’ discovered […]


Ediscovery, Data Privacy and Social Media Weekly Updates

Viviane Reding ‏@VivianeRedingEU3 Jul This is why we need strong rules at #EU level to protect the personal data of #EU citizens. #EUDataP http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-13-607_en.htm … Christian W Svanberg ‏@WieseSvanberg3 Jul “The council and the parliament are far apart on #eudataP and even in the legislature, the issue has been divisive” http://www.janalbrecht.eu/presse/interviews-artikel-o-toene/mep-calls-for-common-us-eu-data-privacy-standards-parallel-to-ttip.html  Relaes ‏@MyPriSe3 Jul German minister: Stop using U.S. Web services to […]


Ediscovery, Data Privacy and Social Media Weekly Updates

NC: ABC Store information hack more widespread than Greensboro http://ow.ly/2xX5M5   Rigo Wenning ‏@rigow20h IE11 #DNT exception handling gives a glimpse on how an EU consent mechanism could work http://bit.ly/12tfpGH  #eudatap IAPP Daily Dashboard ‏@DailyDashboard22h #Privacy, #EUdataP insights from @PrivacyWolf & @ChrisKuner on the #FTC/Irish DPA enforcement memorandum: http://bit.ly/126mU7l  Cedric Burton ‏@EUDataPrivacy7h RT @DataObservatory: #WP29 publishes opinion on open data and reuse […]


Ediscovery, Data Privacy and Social Media Weekly Updates

The effect of #PRISM on Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation | InfoSecurity http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/33052/the-effect-of-prism-on-europes-general-data-protection-regulation/ … #NSA #eudatap Chinese Government Deliberates Consumer Rights Amid E-Commerce Boom http://ow.ly/2xLWio Ediscovery and DataProtection Daily is out! http://paper.li/EUdiscovery/1312257398 … ▸ Top stories today via @globaldpc @mackmary @AltlawUK IAPP Piece Compares U.S. and EU Government Surveillance Practices http://ow.ly/2xKUAT  Conducting “Traditional Relevance Analysis,” Court Denies […]


Ediscovery, Data Privacy and Social Media Weekly Updates

RT @VivianeRedingEU: The basic rights of #EUcitizens are non-negotiable. #PRISM #EUDataPeuropa.eu/rapid/press-re… US agrees to give EU more info on intel scandal http://ow.ly/m24C1 #EUDataP#PRISM Sarah Jane King ‏@sarahjane_king15h Guide to the law behind #prism by @privacyint https://www.privacyinternational.org/blog/a-guide-to-fisa-ss1881a-the-law-behind-it-all … #EUdataP via @bendrath #privacy European Commission ‏@EU_Commission54m EU-US ministerial on Justice and Home Affairs: Presser LIVE NOW @ http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/ebs/live.cfm?page=2 … @VivianeRedingEU @MalmstromEU #Prism #EudataP Dark clouds loom over […]


Ediscovery, Data Privacy and Social Media Weekly Updates

europe-v-facebook ‏@europevfacebook14m Delegations sleeping in tents when working on #EUDataP? Would explain some of the outcomes… http://www.thejournal.ie/eu-diplomats-tents-irish-presidency-940411-Jun2013/ … pic.twitter.com/vwkYVn6yWw Raegan MacDonald ‏@ShmaeganM7h Reding to Parliament: “resist all attempts by those trying to weaken data protection standards in EU”. +1! http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-13-514_en.htm?locale=en … #eudatap Jeroen Terstegge ‏@PrivaSense7h Dutch Justice Minister: “EU Data Protection Regulation will cost Dutch business 1.1 billion euro per year.” http://www.nu.nl/economie/3494256/bedrijven-miljard-kwijt-europese-regel.html … #eudatap […]
