- Reading "Towards more effective #DataProtection in the Information Society" by Peter Hustinx http://bit.ly/eqCTKe #privacy #
- EU, US discuss #dataprotection deal in Hungary http://bit.ly/fk20xD #TFTP #PNR #SWIFT #privacy #
- « La vie privée en péril », le cri d'alarme d'Alex Turk http://bit.ly/heYxW7 #privacy #dataprotection #
- Obama still believes in the American Dream. ( Does he also believe in the resuscitation of the dead?…) #
- Obama: This is not about the budget, this is about changing the social compact of America. #
- Reader Privacy Bill Passed Through California Senate Judiciary Committee http://bit.ly/fUwjLg #
- #TSA is trying something new and groundbreaking . Watch this video http://bit.ly/ewQJX6 #security #j
Read more: http://ti.me/g3GZ1M #
- Civil Liberties Delegation in Washington – #DataProtection and #Security http://bit.ly/faK7De #PNR #TFTP #SWIFT #
- Data retention, child protection and the law http://bit.ly/h6O8Nx #
- #Dataprotection EU Parliament to lead new round of EU-US talks http://bit.ly/eNYnas #SWIFT #PNR #
- EU Commission has yet to prove worth of PNR plans, says Article 29 Working Party http://bit.ly/gQcw0h #privacy #dataprotection #
- NZ Data Protection Law Gets Tick From EU Working Party http://bit.ly/f1nHhn #privacy #dataprotection #
- this is much better: http://bit.ly/hVJWZV @AdamThierer: wow RT @mcerickson: Is this kind of invasive TSA scree… (cont) http://deck.ly/~tOTgE #
- TSA's New and Enhanced Security (video)http://youtu.be/U7Z5t7w7Hms #security #TSA #
- Roskam Baking Co. lawsuit draws attention to mistaken identity as potential job killer http://bit.ly/ha6h2B #FCRA #privacy #
- RT @rcalo: Registration for Computers Freedom Privacy 2011 is open. http://bit.ly/dR5PC8 #
- thnx! RT @FortaliceLLC: #FF @Tips4Tech @co2hog @marykayhoal @wireheadlance @infosecisland @lawscomm @PrivacyPr… (cont) http://deck.ly/~aJniK #
- CPS (UK) refuses to prosecute Phorm and BT http://bit.ly/eoifIH #privacy #
- Thnx! RT @Tips4Tech: #FF #infosec #privacy @anthonymfreed @wireheadlance @infosecisland @FortaliceLLC @Privacy… (cont) http://deck.ly/~5Ib4I #
- Thnx! RT @privacyfocused: #FF @adamthierer @PRC_Amber @gamambel @EUdiscovery @techdirt @PrivacyMemes @declan… (cont) http://deck.ly/~7clkT #
- Thnx! RT @direwolff: #FF @adamthierer @PRC_Amber @gamambel @EUdiscovery @techdirt @PrivacyMemes @declanm @Evry… (cont) http://deck.ly/~zdqX5 #
- EU Data Protection Commissioners insist on the need for a comprehensive approach to #dataprotection http://bit.ly/hJT5Lt #
- Day 11 w/o phone service. #Verizon #fail #3rd world country service. Please RT. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for EUdiscovery
Posted by Monique Altheim on April 15, 2011
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