All posts tagged facebook

Of the Valorous Don Quixote’s Success in the Dreadful and Never Before Imagined Adventure of the Windmills

“It is quite clear,” replied Don Quixote, “that you are not experienced in this matter of adventures. They are giants, and if you are afraid, go away and say your prayers, whilst I advance and engage them in fierce and unequal battle.” -DON QUIXOTE de LA MANCHA


Privacy Week in Jerusalem, hosted by ILITA: A Preview

ILITA, The Israeli Law, Information and Technology Authority, will host a Privacy Week on October 25-29, 2010 in Jerusalem, Israel. Article 29 Working Party recently published an an opinion finding that Israeli data protection law largely provides an “adequate level of data protection” under the European Union Data Protection Directive 95/46. Thus Israel will be joining […]


Facebook’s Instant Personalization: It Takes FIFTEEN Steps to ” OPT-OUT “

After Facebook‘s recent changes in their privacy policies, you need to take a few steps if you don’t want your Facebook bio, education & work, hometown, likes and interests data to be publicly shared online, as well as probably sold to behavioral marketers. 1. Go to your Facebook page 2. Go to “account” 3. Go to […]


IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2010 – Hot Topics -Privacy by Design in Canada

At the recent IAPP Global Privacy Summit in Washington, D.C., many hot topics were addressed: Privacy by Design, Behavioral Advertising, the new EU Cookie Consent Law, the Smart Power Grid, the Cloud, Web 2.0, the new EU Model Clause Agreements, Controllers, Processors and Sub-Processors, the recent Google convictions, to name just a few. I interviewed […]


IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2010 – Hot Topics: Jules Polonetsky Predicts the Future of Behavioral Advertising

At the recent IAPP Global Privacy Summit in Washington, D.C., many hot topics were addressed: Privacy by Design, Behavioral Advertising, the new EU Cookie Consent Law, the Smart Power Grid, the Cloud, Web 2.0, the new EU Model Clause Agreements, Controllers, Processors and Sub-Processors, the recent Google convictions, to name just a few. I interviewed […]
